We love whiskey here at On the Rocks. In fact, we have an entire wall devoted solely to whiskey. Stop in to check out one of the largest whiskey selections in Lawrence, where our experts will point you to your favorite easy-sipper or help you select something new and exciting!
Hello Bourbon Hunters!
As many of you know, On the Rocks traditionally holds a bourbon raffle once a year around the holidays offering our customers the opportunity to purchase some hard-to-find allocated bourbon. Due to skyrocketing demand, we opted not to hold a lottery this year. Going forward, we will be making these allocations available at random, as they come.
All allocated items are limited one per customer. Please be advised that our employees will not provide any information regarding available allocations or quantities, whether it be in person or over the phone. Allocations will be treated “first-come, first serve” and we will not place any items on hold per request. As always, your best bet to find anything good is to regularly shop in person at
On the Rocks.
Keep in mind that even though we might not have that one bottle you are looking for, we are always receiving new and exciting whiskeys, including state and store barrel picks.
Happy hunting,
On the Rocks Liquor
Barrel & Store Picks
From time to time we are fortunate to have the opportunity to feature our very own On the Rocks barrel-picks, hand selected by our staff. We also receive a variety of Barrel-Picks selected exclusively for the state of Kansas. Below is just a few of our barrel selections that we have available.

New Arrivals